
Hello! My name is Tyla Maddock and I’m a storyteller—it’s as simple as that. No matter the medium or topic, I strive to take my audience to new places and show them new possibilities. I refuse to accept life as dull and lackluster, and the work I do emphasizes this. 

Through my many endeavors, I’ve come to develop the skills necessary for a wide array of publishing-, marketing-, and business-related needs. Most notably those of copywriting, copyediting, and content creation. I find pleasure in being one of the minds behind a finished product and its promotion. 

But above all, I’m happiest when surrounded by family. Or, when I’m reading. Ask anyone who knows me–I always have a book in my hand and spend most of my time talking about my favorites.

Check out my work if you would like to know more.

Contact me


(701) 566-1592